The Mel Gray Award Who is Mel Gray?
...and why does he have an award named after him?
The Mel Gray Award
Mel Gray Mel Gray is the greatest kickoff return artist in NFL history. Believe it or not, check out this picture -- he was once a top running back in the same USFL backfield as Steve Young! His UFFL career was limited to three years as a WR on the roster of The Windmilling Chaos. The first four weeks of the 1992 season, he ran two kicks back for +50 TD's, and as a result TWC scored 40+ points three out of those four weeks. Since then, Mel Gray has been emblematic (to this writer anyway (hey, it's my team)) of high scores and excitement, and I've always tried to have guys on my team who return kicks as well as catch or run, in memory of Mel.

Anyway, when I created UFFL Central in 1997, I decided to institute the Mel Gray Memorial Shootout of the Week Award (since shortened to just the Mel Gray Award to save my carpal tunnels) in honor of the highest scoring game of the week. I'm sure all my fellow owners are using the lure of the Mel Gray graphic in their box score to play their best players every week, thus elevating the UFFL from mere fantasy football to an art form.

Or am I just full of it?

for details, go to that week's boxscores and look for the trophy!

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Week 1 SB 37
SS 28
SB 39
OUT 25
RR 23
MM 12

Week 2 SB 37
LW4 25
BO 48
LW4 38
OUT 50
SD 30
OUT 45
EGO 25

Week 3 IM 36
EGO 19
LW4 29
TWC 19
OUT 36
OUT 34
TWC 15

Week 4 BO 50
LH 34
LW4 58
IM 24
SS 34
BO 32
SD 43
LW4 21
LW4 46
RR 28

Week 5 SS 30
MM 24
LW4 31
SB 26
OUT 32
MM 25
RR 35
SS 34

Week 6 LH 28
LW4 27
SB 28
IM 27
BO 19
MM 40
RR 22
BO 30
SS 17

Week 7 RR 31
LH 27
LW4 35
RR 33
SB 33
OUT 42
SS 35

Week 8 RR 44
EGO 24
BO 34
OUT 20
SS 38
SD 30
OUT 54
SB 41

Week 9 NS 32
LW4 24
RR 37
BO 60
EGO 22
SS 45
EGO 27

Week 10 EGO 42
SS 26
RR 42
TWC 18
SS 28
OUT 26
OUT 45
RR 26

Week 11 RR 43
MM 18
SB 56
SD 35
OUT 49
EGO 31
SB 34
SS 22

Week 12 LW4 33
RR 26
SB 29
SS 36
TWC 27
EGO 23
TWC 18
LW4 28
SS 13

Week 13 RR 42
SS 19
SS 52
SD 42
EGO 27
TWC 26
LW4 39

Week 14 RR 31
SB 31
SB 44
OUT 33
BO 36
IM 35
M69H 42
SB 20

[UFFL 2001] [UFFL League History]

Last Modified, August 4, 2001
UFFL Central - © 2001 - An Everlasting Tunes Production